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ChurchCurator is now free of charge!

Corona changed everything. Including our mission and vision. ChurchCurator removed all pricing plans at the end of the year 2020 and is going to be FREE OF CHARGE from now on. The operating costs are covered by donations.

Free of charge for most churches

We are basically free of charge now. The mentioned restrictions serve as a safeguard against abuse and should be perfectly adequate for most churches.

  • 0 €

    - free of charge


    • up to 200 persons
    • up to 20 groups
    • 10 GB storage
    • all features
  • > 5 €

    per month*


    • unlimited persons
    • up to 150 groups
    • 25 GB storage
    • all features
  • > 25 €

    per month*


    • unlimited persons
    • unlimited groups
    • 150 GB storage
    • all features

As a sponsor you pledge to donate at least the mentioned amount per month. We do not track this, you decide when and how to send us money; for instance via paypal or credit card. As a patreon you setup a fixed but self determined amount, which we will debit regularly.

Free of charge for most churches

We are basically free of charge now. The mentioned restrictions serve as a safeguard against abuse and should be perfectly adequate for most churches.

  • $0

    - free of charge


    • up to 200 persons
    • up to 20 groups
    • 10 GB storage
    • all features
  • > $6

    per month*


    • unlimited persons
    • up to 150 groups
    • 25 GB storage
    • all features
  • > $30

    per month*


    • unlimited persons
    • unlimited groups
    • 150 GB storage
    • all features

As a sponsor you pledge to donate at least the mentioned amount per month. We do not track this, you decide when and how to send us money; for instance via paypal or credit card. As a patreon you setup a fixed but self determined amount, which we will debit regularly.

The premium plan is and will stay free of charges. After registration you can immediately start to use all features, invite people, spawn groups, chat and upload files. If you like ChurchCurator tell others about it and maybe consider becoming a sponsor!